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Showing posts with label Interesting. Show all posts

Marathon runner who weighs 180 kg !

Forty Kelly Gneyting calls himself as Tolstunov. Of course, not without irony and with great pride. He weighs over 180 kg. But despite this, he was an athlete and not shy about boasting of its achievements in this field. "Frankly, I think I'm one of the best athletes in the world" - he says. Tolstun already became the champion of sumo in America three times. And now he has decided to do something different, more difficult for a man of his physique - he was carried away by running long distances. He hopes to set a new Guinness world record for 26 meters in the marathon in Los Angeles, which was began on March 20.

Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг
Марафонец который весит 180 кг

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